In today’s blog post, we’re sharing tips for decluttering your house that actually work! Like any type of house cleaning, it’s best to stay on top of cleaning so that you’re only doing a little tidying up every day instead of a giant deep clean once a month. One of the best ways to keep a tidy home is to hire a maid service like Clean Away Maids. But it’s also important to keep up with smaller daily tasks between cleaning, and these tips will help you do just that! Continue reading to learn more and if you live in Mebane or the surrounding area and are ready to hire professional cleaning services, contact us today.
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Minimalist Tips For Decluttering Your Home
Start Small
Decluttering can seem overwhelming at first, especially if you’re not in the habit of cleaning regularly. Instead of setting aside a whole weekend to declutter, start small. Spend ten minutes cleaning off the kitchen counter and tossing things that you no longer need. If that’s overwhelming, try to find just one thing that you don’t want anymore and throw it away, donate it, or give it to someone. Just think — if you did this twice a week you’d have 100+ fewer things in your home!
Find Your Motivation
Sometimes, because we’ve lived so long in our own home, we become blind to our own clutter. Try taking a picture of an area you’d like to declutter and examine it to see what items don’t belong there or need to go. Not only is it great motivation, you can also look back after you’ve decluttered to see how far you’ve come!
Fill An Entire Trash Bag
Giving yourself a goal — like filling an entire trash bag — is a great way to make decluttering more manageable. It’s easier to start (and to finish) when you have a visual representation of what you need to do. Donate the bag or toss it, but most importantly, get it out of your home!
Donate Clothes You Don’t Wear
If you’re ready for a bigger decluttering project, try tackling your closet. Take out all of your clothes and pile them on your bed or the floor. We don’t often get to see exactly how much we own, and usually the visual of a gigantic pile of clothes is all you need to get started. Pick out the pieces that you wear often and the pieces you love, and then donate the rest. If you’re not sure what you wear often, try hanging your clothes with the hangers in the reverse direction. After you’ve worn and washed something, hang it in the other direction. After a few months, check out how many things are facing the wrong way and get rid of them.
Clean Away Maids – Mebane Cleaning Services
Everyone can benefit from a little extra help around the home! Our maid service has clients from all walks of life, from busy lawyers to single parents to people who work from home and more. If you’ve spent the time decluttering, consider hiring our professional cleaning services to keep things sparkling all year round. Contact us today to get started.